Top Reasons Why Your Company Should Buy A Photo Booth for Longterm Use!

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The entertainment industry is currently experiencing an unprecedented surge in self-awareness and preference that has been spear-headed by the social media wave. In a society deeply enveloped by the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and many more newly emerging forms of self expression and praise, it’s no wonder that photo booths have seen a resurgence in recent years and have subsequently become a cornerstone of nearly ever event type. Leveraging this visual trend goes beyond fueling your customer’s need fo self expression and glorification and crosses into the advertising and potential business expansion arena. Social Media relevance, pictures, videos and branding are now becoming the pinnacle of powerful marketing tools that will increase brand awareness, engagement, and ultimately your bottom line come the end of your quarter. Note worthy results and unique exposure with a relatively unmeasurable ceiling is certainly worth investing in yet many business owners don’t bother with experimental exposure unless they are financially secure and upon reaching that point many business don’t prefer to change what is already working let alone take away from the bottom line in order to add to it “potentially.”

1. A Powerful Branding Opportunity


Photo booths bring a brand to life.The photos taken at your event will be shared on social media and seen by people all over the globe. Each view is a potential new customer for your brand/client. Digital photo booths go beyond marketing your services. It’s a powerful way to get a brand out there by turning happy snappers into brand ambassadors by placing your logo onto the images. Not only will the attendees associate the brand with a happy memory, but as the pictures are shared on social media, you’ll gain free brand awareness.

2. Social Awareness Leads to Sales


Many customers are more likely to buy a product if it has been recommended to them by someone they follow online for a litany of reasons . With digital content playing such an important part of the consumer buying process, getting into people’s feeds without a hard sell is the only way to go as time advances due to peoples increasing disapproval of the social media advertisement flood that has occurred over the last decades or so. Every prominent youtube video has multiple advertisements, very site has them, and everyone is trying to sell you something; that level of saturation has surely desensitized viewers.

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Creating these memorable photos paves the way for a deeper connection with your target audience. In exchange for an Instagram worthy images, you get an authentic spot in their newsfeeds that no amount of Facebook ads can buy. By having your business associated with someone they know, you’ve already started to create a more personal connection. A connection that you can’t get through banner ads or sponsored stories. The more people like, re-tweet and share the image from your event, the greater your chances of turning someone into a future client. Whether they already need your services or will in the future, the positive and personal connection will keep your brand in front of your competition.


Event Planning Aspects: Invitation Etiquette


Take Aways and Give-Aways